Monitoring & Evaluation


Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of all aspects of the organisation’s services takes place on a regular basis, with findings incorporated into a monthly ongoing training programme.

M&E forms an integral part of all South Coast Hospice Association’s programmes to ensure that the objectives of the project are achieved and funds are utilised in accordance with the project agreement and business plan.

South Coast Hospice Association was part of a team of ten member pilot hospices who, together with H P C A, developed and implemented the database system named Hospice Data Management System (H D M S). This included testing every data field, capturing hospice and patient care data, responding to questions posed by the HDMS development company and providing input and feedback on the development of the HDMS within timeframes provided. The HDMS pilot phase is now complete and South Coast Hospice Association will mentor other hospices with regard to the installation and use of HDMS.

South Coast Hospice Association’s inter-disciplinary team meets regularly to conduct case studies. Findings from audit results are constantly evaluated and incorporated into the various audit tools used as well as in-service training.


South Coast Hospice documents a comprehensive Quality Improvement Programme on an annual basis, in which the objectives for each department are clearly stated. In terms of the QI Programme the organisation is committed to receiving feedback on their services from the patients and their families. These surveys serve to ensure the highest quality palliative care is provided to all patients and their families, learners and clients.

The Key & Departmental Quality Indicators and the Risk Management Plan are incorporated into the Quality Improvement Programme and reviewed annually.

South Coast Hospice is committed to retaining their Council for Health Service Accreditation of Southern Africa (C o h s a s a) accreditation. This survey covers all aspects of an organisation’s operations, and includes a complete cross-section of clinical and administrative functions.

In addition to the annual financial audit conducted by external auditors, management accounts are prepared on a monthly basis and reported to the Board by the Honorary Treasurer.